Friday, October 9, 2009

Cowcharge's Law of Verbodynamics

As f(Bs) and f(Wtf) --> Nbl, and (Az+Hol) --> Oh, (U+Ly)+(.)(.)+(Ys/Wcn)=O/b

As the Coefficients of Oratory (Bs) and Gullibility (WTF) approach infinity (Nbl), subject to the behavioral modifier Character (Az/Hol) as it approaches zero (Oh), the  variables Integrity (U+Ly), Action (.)(.) and Hope (Ys/Wcn) all approach zero (O/b). *

*Link to Mathematical proof:

1 comment:

Cowcharge said...

Correlary function: As f(Bs) and f(Wtf) --> Nbl, and (Az+Hol) --> O, f(Oh+Noo) --> infinity

As the Coefficients of Oratory (Bs) and Gullibility (WTF) approach infinity (Nbl), subject to the behavioral modifier Character (Az/Hol) as it approaches zero (Oh), Terror (Oh+Noo) also approaches infinity. *

*Link to Mathematical proof: